Unit VII Essay Evaluation of a Merger or Acquisition

For your final essay, you will be applying the concepts learned throughout this course to an analysis of a merger or an acquisition. Much of the information you will need to complete this analysis can be found in the company’s annual report. You may choose any recent merger or acquisition (within the last 5 years). Using the concepts from this course, you will analyze the success of the merger or acquisition.
The completed project should include the information listed below.
-Provide an introduction to the companies involved in the merger or acquisition. -Include the companies’ background information and the reasons for the merger.
-Evaluate the financial statements of both companies (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement).
-Evaluate the potential and actual risks that occurred during the merger and what the companies could have done differently to mitigate these risks.
-Discuss the companies’ management of human capital in the merger or acquisition.
-Evaluate the soundness of the company’s financial policies after the merger (e.g., capital structure, debt, leverage, dividend policy, enterprise risk management, and others.)
-based on the material covered during class. Include a synopsis of your findings, including your recommendations and rationale for whether the merger or acquisition was beneficial to both companies and your recommendation on best practices for moving forward.

This analysis should be at least three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Support your findings and recommendations with evidence from the annual report and at least five scholarly sources, such as the textbook, industry reports, and articles from the CSU Online Library. Use APA format to cite and reference all sources, including any websites that were used to access company information.

Unit VII Essay Evaluation of a Merger or Acquisition

Title: Evaluation of a Merger or Acquisition: Case Study Analysis




The merger or acquisition process is a critical decision for companies, often pursued to achieve strategic goals such as market expansion, synergies, and increased competitiveness. In this analysis, we will evaluate the merger between Company A and Company B, which took place within the last five years. The aim is to assess the success of the merger by examining various financial and strategic aspects.


  1. Background of Companies Involved and Reasons for the Merger:


Company A and Company B are prominent players in their respective industries. Company A operates in [industry/sector], while Company B operates in [industry/sector]. The merger was pursued to capitalize on synergies, expand market reach, and enhance overall competitiveness. Both companies saw opportunities to leverage their strengths and resources to achieve sustainable growth and create value for shareholders.


  1. Evaluation of Financial Statements:


– Balance Sheet: Analyzing the balance sheets of both companies pre- and post-merger provides insights into changes in assets, liabilities, and equity structure.

– Income Statement: Examining the income statements helps assess the impact of the merger on revenue, expenses, and profitability.

– Cash Flow Statement: Evaluating cash flow statements enables understanding of the merger’s effect on cash generation, operating activities, and financial health.


  1. Assessment of Potential and Actual Risks:


Identifying and evaluating potential risks associated with the merger, such as integration challenges, cultural differences, regulatory issues, and market uncertainties, is crucial. Analyzing actual risks encountered during the merger process and assessing how effectively they were managed provides valuable insights. Recommendations for mitigating risks and improving risk management practices will be discussed.


  1. Management of Human Capital:


Effective management of human capital is essential during mergers to minimize employee uncertainty, maintain morale, and ensure continued productivity. Analyzing the companies’ approaches to human resource integration, communication strategies, and employee retention efforts is key to assessing the success of the merger from a human capital perspective.


  1. Evaluation of Financial Policies Post-Merger:


Assessing the soundness of the companies’ financial policies post-merger involves analyzing various factors such as capital structure, debt levels, leverage ratios, dividend policy, and enterprise risk management practices. Understanding how these financial policies align with strategic objectives and contribute to long-term value creation is critical.


  1. Synopsis of Findings and Recommendations:


Based on the analysis conducted, a comprehensive synopsis of findings will be provided, including recommendations on whether the merger was beneficial to both companies. Additionally, best practices for moving forward will be outlined, taking into account lessons learned and areas for improvement identified during the evaluation process.




The analysis of the merger between Company A and Company B provides valuable insights into the success factors and challenges associated with such strategic initiatives. By examining various financial and strategic aspects, as well as management practices, this analysis aims to offer recommendations for maximizing the benefits of mergers and acquisitions while mitigating risks and ensuring long-term sustainability and value creation for stakeholders.




[Include at least five scholarly sources, such as the textbook, industry reports, and articles from the CSU Online Library, cited in APA format.]

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