The purpose of this project is to provide clarity and application in a world for which communication is of monumental importance and value.
Visit the TED website at and listen to any presentation that interests you. Compare the speaker’s delivery and visual support materials with the concepts presented in your textbook. What works? What doesn’t work? Critique/analyze presentation related elements found in the textbook and your own thoughts. For example, body language; was speaker overly animated, were gestures or hand movements distracting or vice-versa? Spoke too slowly, fast, or evenly? Was terminology easy to understand? Was sense of humor appropriate? Did the audience appear to be interested? If visuals such as PowerPoints or props were used, were they helpful? Were they too busy or simple to follow? Think of times when you watched a presentation that you either enjoyed or did not. What elements contributed to that? -Six (6) slide minimum Ten (10) slide maximum (not including cover slide and reference page(s) -Be creative, yet professional and do list references at the end of the presentation in APA or MLA format.

** The book for this course is Business Communication. ISBN is: 9780134890463


The purpose of this project is to provide clarity and application in a world for which communication is of monumental importance and value

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