teachers of social studies and the arts are challenged to develop a standards-based curriculum

teachers of social studies and the arts are challenged to develop a standards-based curriculum that integrates current local and global issues into instruction. Doing so engages students in applying content knowledge to real-world problems. To develop a standards-based curriculum, educators must first research grade-level specific state academic standards for social studies in order to align learning objectives with required learning standards.
The Depth of Knowledge (DOK) levels are an extension of the Know, Understand, and Do guidelines and activate complexity in thinking, rather than just focusing on content.
There are four levels that allow students to engage with content in various ways:
Recall and Reproduction
Skills and Concepts/Basic Reasoning
Strategic Thinking/Complex Reasoning
Extended Thinking/Reasoning
Use the “Unwrapping the Standards” template to complete this assignment.
Part 1: Video Evaluation
View a social studies activity video segment found in the Topic Materials. In 250-500 words, reflect on the following:
Has the teacher modeled academic language and critical thinking skills while addressing social studies standards and current events? Provide examples for why or why not.
What questioning strategies does the teacher incorporate into social studies instruction to increase students’ critical thinking skills and depth of knowledge?
Part 2: Writing Learning Objectives
Using the standards from your state, select one social studies standard and one art standard. Write one measurable learning objective to the standards for each DOK level using “Students will be able to” language.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


teachers of social studies and the arts are challenged to develop a standards-based curriculum

Unwrapping the Standards

Part 1: Video Evaluation




Part 2: Writing Learning Objectives



Grade Level  
State/National Social Studies Standard  
State/National Arts Standard  
DOK Level 1
Recall and Reproduction
DOK Level 2
Skills and Concepts/Basic Reasoning
DOK Level 3
Strategic Thinking/Complex Reasoning
DOK Level 4
Extended Thinking/Reasoning


Well-Written Learning Objectives in Social Studies


Learning objectives are statements that clearly express what you expect students will be able to do as a result of the learning experience you designed for them. Objectives are written as observable performances that reflect internal knowledge and understanding. They do not merely state what a student will know; rather, they describe what a student will be able to do as a result of having learned and practiced the application of that knowledge.


  • A poorly written learning objective:

“Students will be able to understand why explorers and settlers came to North America.”

  • A better learning objective:

“Students will be able to describe why explorers and settlers came to North America.”


Well-written learning objectives reflect worthwhile, lifelong skills, rather than lesson activities.


  • A poorly written learning objective:

“Students will be able to draw a picture of three early American trade routes.”

  • A better learning objective:

“Students will be able to describe and locate trade routes used in North America in the 1600’s.”


Well-planned learning objectives reflect a variety of cognitive processes. Bloom’s Taxonomy and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Chart can assist with writing learning objectives that require different levels of thinking. For example, lesson objectives that only use verbs such as list, state, or describe are limiting. Such lesson objectives may be listed, but should then be followed by learning objectives that will require more in-depth thinking.


  • A simple learning objective:

“Students will be able to list the states that signed the U.S. Constitution.”


  • The above learning objective could be followed by a more in-depth learning objective:

“Students will be able to compare and contrast the motivation different states and their representatives had for signing the U.S. Constitution.”


standards-based curriculum




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