Research how forensic science aids a criminal investigation. Give examples of certain criminal investigations that forensic science has helped solve the case. Really dig deep into all aspects and types of forensic science and how they make solving a case easier. The paper attached is a research paper I found on the internet and has great information to give about the topic I am doing. Please do not plagiarise!!!,clothing%2C%20firearms%2C%20and%20more.

CRM225 – Research Paper Students are required to conduct research and prepare a five-page scholarly paper (excluding the title and reference pages) following APA format (6th edition). By the conclusion of Module 3, each student will post a proposed topic to the Research Topic discussion board. The topic must be directly related to the field of a criminal investigation. Students are encouraged to seek out original scholarly topics early and post their choices as soon as possible. Students will not be permitted to duplicate or write on the same topic. The research paper will be submitted to the course Dropbox by the conclusion of Module 7. (The Dropbox is linked to Turnitin.)The assignment will be graded for grammar, syntax, spelling, detailed information pertaining to the topic, and APA compliance. Those areas are further provided in the rubric below. Students are encouraged to review those requirements prior to completing the assignment.

Research how forensic science aids a criminal investigation



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