Unit 11-Weekly Clinical Communication

Use the template to respond to the highlighted question. 200w. due 7-17-24. 4 references

The topic for this week is schizophrenia

Student Name:

For the week of [date] – [date]

(Click on ‘date’ and a drop down calendar will appear.)

Clinical Hours completed this week   Patient Encounters completed this week  
Total Clinical Hours completed to date   Total Approved Patient Encounters completed to date  


Clinical Highlights

Choose one or more of the following to guide your self-reflection of your experience this week. Do not report on an extended SOAP note patient. The reflection should be a minimum of 100 to 150 words.

· Discuss an encounter that was particularly interesting and what you learned from it?

· Discuss a difficult or challenging encounter and how you handled it?

· Discuss an example of how you were able to independently contribute to this week’s encounters?

· Were there any patient management plans developed by your preceptor that surprised you?

· Were you able to “teach” your preceptor anything this week?

· Identify a personal learning need you discovered while assessing or managing a specific diagnosis. What steps will you take to improve your understanding or skills?

· What insights did you gain during your experience this week that will prove most helpful for future encounters?

· What personal success do you want to celebrate?

· If I could have a do over, I would have done this instead……

Discussion Type your response here –


Looking Ahead

· What clinical goal would you like to tackle next week ?

· What is your proposed clinical schedule (date/time/total hours) for next week ?

Discussion Type your response here –


I am going to email/message you to further discuss … (Optional)

· Reviewing a challenging patient encounter.

· Challenges/concerns with my preceptor and/or my clinical site.

· The absence of the application of EBP/CPGs in the clinical setting.

· Challenges with gaining access to enough patients in the required age range.

· Challenges with gaining access to a wide variety of diagnoses for the course population.

· Incorrect action(s) taken by me at the clinical site.

· Locating resources to assist with my clinical experience.

· Anything else . . .

Topic to Discuss If any, type your response here –





**Unit 11-Weekly Clinical Communication**

**For the week of [date] – [date]**

**Clinical Hours completed this week:** [Enter hours]

**Patient Encounters completed this week:** [Enter number]

**Total Clinical Hours completed to date:** [Enter total hours]

**Total Approved Patient Encounters completed to date:** [Enter total number]

**Clinical Highlights**

**Discuss an encounter that was particularly interesting and what you learned from it?**

During a recent encounter with a patient diagnosed with schizophrenia, I was struck by the complexity of managing both psychotic symptoms and comorbid conditions. The patient, a middle-aged man, presented with prominent positive symptoms such as hallucinations and disorganized speech. What fascinated me most was observing how collaborative care involving medications and psychotherapy could significantly stabilize his condition over time. Learning about the importance of medication adherence and therapeutic alliance in managing schizophrenia reinforced my understanding of the chronic nature of this disorder and the critical role of ongoing support in preventing relapse.


In reflecting on this experience, I realized the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration in schizophrenia management and the need for personalized treatment plans. Moving forward, I aim to further explore evidence-based interventions for schizophrenia, particularly focusing on newer antipsychotic medications and emerging psychotherapeutic approaches.

**Looking Ahead**

**What clinical goal would you like to tackle next week?**

Next week, I aim to deepen my understanding of the differential diagnosis of psychotic disorders and refine my skills in conducting thorough mental status examinations.

**What is your proposed clinical schedule (date/time/total hours) for next week?**

– Monday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM (8 hours)
– Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM (8 hours)
– Total: 16 hours


In preparation for next week, I intend to review recent literature on schizophrenia treatment modalities and discuss any emerging questions with my preceptor. Additionally, I plan to practice structured interviews for assessing psychotic symptoms to enhance diagnostic accuracy.

**Topic to Discuss**

No specific concerns or challenges at this time.

1. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
2. Mueser, K. T., & Jeste, D. V. (2008). Clinical handbook of schizophrenia. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
3. National Institute of Mental Health. (2021). Schizophrenia. Retrieved from https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/schizophrenia/index.shtml
4. Tandon, R., Gaebel, W., Barch, D. M., Bustillo, J., Gur, R. E., Heckers, S., … & Carpenter, W. (2013). Definition and description of schizophrenia in the DSM-5. Schizophrenia Research, 150(1), 3-10.

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