# Professional Roles NU350
## STEP (RN to BSN) Program
### PEEP Assignment
#### Quality/Safety Problem
**Importance of Annual Wellness Exams for Women**
#### Patient Population
**Females aged 18-30 in an OBGYN Clinic**
### PEEP Specific Learning Objectives
1. **Examine the professional nursing skills in prioritizing responsibilities and delegating tasks appropriately. (Critical thinking)**
2. **Examine the professional nurse’s effective communication skills between nurse and client to improve the quality of care and outcome. (Effective communication)**
3. **Perform therapeutic nursing interventions in monitoring and documenting health status of patients. (Therapeutic Nursing interventions)**
### Objective 1: Examine the professional nursing skills in prioritizing responsibilities, and delegating tasks appropriately. (Critical thinking)
**(A) Was this Learning Objective met and discuss the experience you feel allowed you to meet this objective?**
Yes, this objective was met. During my clinical experience at the OBGYN clinic, I had the opportunity to prioritize multiple patient care tasks, such as managing patient flow, addressing urgent patient concerns, and delegating tasks to medical assistants. This allowed me to practice and refine my critical thinking skills in a real-world setting.
**(B) Do you feel this objective was pertinent to the quality/safety project/stated problem and the patient population? Tell why or why not.**
Yes, this objective was pertinent because effective prioritization and task delegation are crucial in managing the clinic’s patient population efficiently. Given the importance of annual wellness exams for women aged 18-30, ensuring that each patient receives timely and thorough care is vital for maintaining their health and early detection of potential issues.
**(C) What outcome was measured? What measuring tool was used?**
The outcome measured was the efficiency and accuracy of task completion. The tool used was a task tracking checklist that monitored the timely completion of delegated tasks and patient satisfaction surveys to assess the quality of care received.
**(D) Did the stated project’s/problem’s outcomes improve? If yes, how? If no, why?**
Yes, the outcomes improved. The implementation of a task tracking checklist and better delegation practices led to more efficient patient flow and higher patient satisfaction scores. The structured approach ensured that critical tasks were prioritized and completed on time.
**(E) Were practices or policies utilized/implemented/created/revised related to the stated problem/quality/safety review or your findings? Please list.**
– Implementation of a task tracking checklist
– Regular team meetings to review task delegation and patient flow
– Training sessions on effective prioritization and delegation techniques
**(F) Would you have handled this experience differently? If so, what would you have done differently?**
I would have initiated regular feedback sessions with the medical assistants earlier to ensure continuous improvement in task delegation. This could have further enhanced team efficiency and patient care quality.
### Objective 2: Examine the professional nurse’s effective communication skills between nurse and client to improve the quality of care and outcome. (Effective communication)
**(A) Was this Learning Objective met and discuss the experience you feel allowed you to meet this objective?**
Yes, this objective was met. I engaged in multiple patient interactions where I explained the importance of annual wellness exams, discussed health concerns, and provided education on preventive measures. This improved my communication skills and patient engagement.
**(B) Do you feel this objective was pertinent to the quality/safety project/stated problem and the patient population? Tell why or why not.**
Yes, it was pertinent. Effective communication is essential in conveying the importance of annual wellness exams, ensuring patient understanding and compliance, which directly impacts the quality and safety of care for women aged 18-30.
**(C) What outcome was measured? What measuring tool was used?**
The outcome measured was patient understanding and satisfaction. The tools used were patient education materials and post-visit surveys to assess patients’ comprehension of the information provided and their overall satisfaction with the communication.
**(D) Did the stated project’s/problem’s outcomes improve? If yes, how? If no, why?**
Yes, the outcomes improved. There was an increase in patient comprehension of the importance of wellness exams, as indicated by the post-visit surveys. Patients reported feeling more informed and satisfied with the care provided.
**(E) Were practices or policies utilized/implemented/created/revised related to the stated problem/quality/safety review or your findings? Please list.**
– Development of standardized patient education materials
– Implementation of a communication protocol for patient interactions
– Training for staff on effective communication techniques
**(F) Would you have handled this experience differently? If so, what would you have done differently?**
I would have incorporated role-playing exercises in training sessions to further enhance staff communication skills and ensure consistent application of the communication protocol.
### Objective 3: Perform therapeutic nursing interventions in monitoring and documenting health status of patients. (Therapeutic Nursing interventions)
**(A) Was this Learning Objective met and discuss the experience you feel allowed you to meet this objective?**
Yes, this objective was met. I performed several therapeutic interventions, including physical assessments, vital signs monitoring, and documenting patient health status. These activities were integral to my role and provided valuable hands-on experience.
**(B) Do you feel this objective was pertinent to the quality/safety project/stated problem and the patient population? Tell why or why not.**
Yes, it was pertinent. Accurate monitoring and documentation are critical for identifying health issues early, which is especially important in annual wellness exams for women aged 18-30 to ensure timely interventions and care.
**(C) What outcome was measured? What measuring tool was used?**
The outcome measured was the accuracy and completeness of patient health documentation. The tool used was a standardized documentation audit tool to review patient records.
**(D) Did the stated project’s/problem’s outcomes improve? If yes, how? If no, why?**
Yes, the outcomes improved. Regular audits and feedback sessions led to more precise and comprehensive documentation, which enhanced patient care quality and continuity.
**(E) Were practices or policies utilized/implemented/created/revised related to the stated problem/quality/safety review or your findings? Please list.**
– Implementation of a standardized documentation audit tool
– Regular documentation review meetings
– Training on best practices for patient health documentation
**(F) Would you have handled this experience differently? If so, what would you have done differently?**
I would have established a peer review system earlier to facilitate continuous improvement and accountability in documentation practices.
### Conclusion
The PEEP project focused on enhancing the quality and safety of care for women aged 18-30 by emphasizing the importance of annual wellness exams. Through meeting the learning objectives, I developed critical skills in prioritization, communication, and therapeutic interventions. The implementation of new practices and continuous improvement efforts led to better patient outcomes and satisfaction. This experience highlighted the importance of structured processes and effective communication in achieving high-quality care.
### References
– American Nurses Association. (2015). **Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice** (3rd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Nursebooks.org.
– Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). **Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice** (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
Professional Roles NU350
STEP (RNtoBSN) Program
PEEP Assignment
Learning Objectives
Review the Learning Objectives you developed for your PEEP Project specific to quality and safety initiatives in healthcare ( not the JSU Nursing Learning Outcomes).
State the Quality/Safety problem you are addressing:
Importance of annual wellness exams for women
What patient population is being evaluated (age and area/unit)?
Females age 18-30
List the Learning Objectives Specific to your PEEP Project. (you may copy and paste from your approved objectives document) and then provide a detailed response to each question. For each objective, answer the following questions:
(A) Was this Learning Objective met and discuss the experience you feel allowed you to meet this objective?
(B) Do you feel this objective was pertinent to the quality/safety project/stated problem and the Patient Population? Tell why or why not.
(C) What outcome was measured? What measuring tool was used? (Braden Scale, AIMS tool, Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale, PTSD checklist for DSMV-5, etc.). Include a copy of the tool.
(D) Did the stated project’s/problem’s outcomes improve? If yes, how? If no, why?
(E) Were practices or policies utilized/implemented/created/revised related to the stated problem/quality/safety review or your findings? Please list.
(F) Would you have handled this experience differently? If so, what would you have done differently?
List PEEP Specific Learning Objectives
1. Examine the professional nursing skills in prioritizing responsibilities, and delegating task appropriately. (Critical thinking)
2. Examine the professional nurse’s effective communication skill between nurse and client to improve the quality of care and outcome. (Effective communication)
3. Perform therapeutic nursing interventions in monitoring and documenting health status of patients. (Therapeutic Nursing interventions)
***My clinical experience was done at and OBGYN clinic. ****
Grading Rubric:
A. Discussion regarding met or unmet objective was thorough, addressing the specific experience and how you met or did not meet this objective. (10 points)
B. Discussion is adequate regarding the application of the quality/safety problem to the selected patient population. (10 points)
C. Robust discussion about the measured outcome and which measure tool was used.
Copy of measurement tool included. (20 points)
D. Discussion regarding the quality/safety problem’s outcome during the student’s experience. (10 points)
Discussion includes how the outcome improved or did not improve. (10 points).
E. Listing of policies or practices used in the PEEP project. (20 points)
F. Discussion adequate regarding change. Example: Discussion of the students’ perspective if things could have been changed and how. (20 points)
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