Imagine that you are the head of the public communications office

During Unit VI you will produce a PowerPoint Presentation: Imagine that you are the head of the public communications office in an organization that has yet to embrace social media. Develop a presentation for the board or executive leadership team to persuade them that social media is necessary for prudent and effective crisis management. Your goal is to gain your leaders’ confidence, a commitment of resources, and a long-term endorsement of your plans to include social media in the organization’s crisis response plan. Describe at least three different social media tools, how each is being used or will be used to communicate during a crisis, and propose rules for how to get the organization’s message out efficiently, effectively, and succinctly using these tools. Your presentation should be at least 15 slides in length. You may also use the slide notes function to explain slide contents as necessary. In addition, the presentation should have a title slide and a references slide. If you require any assistance in creating your PowerPoint presentation, feel free to access the following tutorial created by the CSU Success Center: Columbia Southern Success Center [SuccessCenter]. (2014, June 13). Presentable PowerPoints [Video file]. Retrieved from

 Imagine that you are the head of the public communications office

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