Competency 5 Assignment – Evaluate the role of communication in conflict management.

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Module 05 Content


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Evaluate the role of communication in conflict management.


Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.



You host and produce a workplace-focused podcast called “Harmony at Work.” The podcast aims to explore and share insights on effective communication and collaboration strategies in diverse work environments. Your listeners include professionals seeking practical advice on fostering positive workplace dynamics.



Use PowerPoint for your podcast. The podcast episode aims to delve into the theme of “Communication in Conflict Management.”

1. Create one slide as your podcast cover art (visually represents your podcast at a glance- how listeners discover your podcast). The recording of your podcast should be added to that slide.

2. Record your podcast as “media” on the slide.

3. Choose “Insert” on the toolbar.

4. Click “Media” then “Audio”.

5. Save and upload to dropbox.

6. The podcast must be at least 3 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes.

7. Verbally cite any resources you used to create the podcast, for example, “According to John Jones at Forbes in his 2023 article…”




Requirements/Submission Requirement:

. Shareable 3-5 minute audio file (and link) discussing communication in conflict management.

. The file’s name should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore, the name of the assignment, an underscore, and the date. An example is shown below:

. Jstudent_exampleproblem_101504


NOTE – Be sure the document displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.

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· Content Quality

20 possible points (40%)


Demonstrates a deep understanding of the role of communication in conflict management. Presents insightful and well-supported perspectives with clear examples and practical advice



Shows a good understanding of the role of communication in conflict management. Presents relevant perspectives with examples and practical advice, though some depth may be lacking



Presents a basic understanding of the role of communication in conflict management. Includes some relevant perspectives and examples, but the content may lack depth or clarity



Demonstrates a limited understanding of the role of communication in conflict management. Perspectives and examples may be unclear or not well-supported


Not Submitted

Did not submit.


· Presentation Delivery

10 possible points (20%)


Delivers the podcast episode with an engaging and confident tone. Speech is clear, well-paced, and articulate. Maintains the audience’s attention throughout the episode



Delivers the podcast episode with a clear and confident tone. Speech is generally well-paced and articulate, but there may be occasional lapses. Keeps the audience engaged for the most part



Delivers the podcast episode with a mostly clear and confident tone, but there may be issues with pacing, articulation, or engagement



Attempts to deliver the podcast episode, but the tone, pacing, articulation, and engagement may be unclear or inconsistent


Not Submitted

Did not submit.


· Length Requirements

10 possible points (20%)


Meets the specified duration requirements, creating a podcast episode that is between 3 to 5 minutes



The achievement of this criteria is assessed at either the Emerging or Mastery levels. Demonstration of this action or skill is either achieved or not achieved.



The achievement of this criteria is assessed at either the Emerging or Mastery levels. Demonstration of this action or skill is either achieved or not achieved.



Does not meet specified duration. Falls below or exceeds the specified duration requirements, impacting the overall effectiveness of the podcast


Not Submitted

Did not submit.


· Source Citations

10 possible points (20%)


Verbally cites resources used to create the podcast episode effectively. Citations are accurate, consistently applied, and contribute to the credibility of the content



Verbally cites resources, but some citations may be missing or inaccurately applied. Citations contribute to the credibility of the content, but there may be minor issues



Attempts to verbally cite resources, but citations may be insufficient or inaccurately applied. Citations contribute to the credibility of the content to some extent



Attempts to verbally cite resources, but citations are missing or incorrectly applied. Citations do not contribute significantly to the credibility of the content


Not Submitted

Did not submit.





To create your podcast episode on “Communication in Conflict Management” for the Competency 5 Assignment, here are the key steps and considerations:

### Podcast Episode Outline:

**Slide 1: Podcast Cover Art**
– Design visually appealing cover art that represents your podcast “Harmony at Work”.
– Include the title “Communication in Conflict Management”.
– Embed the audio recording of your podcast directly onto this slide.

**Podcast Content (3-5 minutes total)**

**Introduction (30 seconds)**
– Capture the listener’s interest with an engaging opening related to workplace conflict.
– Introduce the topic and its importance in fostering positive workplace dynamics.

**Main Discussion Points:**

**1. Importance of Effective Communication in Conflict Resolution (1 minute)**
– **Support:**
– Example: Describe a scenario where communication resolved a conflict effectively.
– Example: Discuss the consequences of poor communication in conflict situations.

**2. Strategies for Effective Communication in Conflict Management (1.5 minutes)**
– **Support:**
– Example: Highlight techniques like active listening and non-verbal communication.
– Example: Discuss the role of empathy and assertiveness in resolving conflicts.

**3. Case Study or Practical Example (1 minute)**
– **Support:**
– Example: Share a real-life example where effective communication resolved a workplace conflict.
– Example: Discuss lessons learned and implications for future conflict management.

**Conclusion (30 seconds)**
– Summarize the key points discussed.
– Reiterate the importance of communication in conflict management.
– Encourage listeners to apply these strategies in their workplaces.

**Slide 2: References**
– List the sources used for your podcast verbally.
– Ensure accurate and clear citations contribute to the credibility of your content.

### Requirements:

– **Audio Recording:** Create a 3-5 minute audio file discussing “Communication in Conflict Management”.
– **File Naming:** Use the format: FirstInitialLastName_Competency5Assignment_Date (e.g., JSmith_Competency5Assignment_2024-07-10).
– **Presentation Delivery:** Speak clearly, maintaining a confident and engaging tone throughout.
– **Length:** Ensure the podcast episode is between 3 to 5 minutes long.
– **Source Citations:** Verbally cite all resources used effectively during the podcast.

By following this outline and incorporating relevant examples and citations, you’ll create a compelling podcast episode that meets the assignment criteria effectively.

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