Graded Element #1 – The Business of Sport Panel Discussion

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the current issues within the sports industry. This panel discussion features six of the leading figures in the sports industry and will provide you with tremendous insight.
Source: Milken Institute Global Conference 2015 | The Business of Sports

Moderator: Peter Guber, Chairman and CEO, Mandalay Entertainment; Owner and Co-Executive Chairman, Golden State Warriors

• Laurence Baer, President and CEO, San Francisco Giants
• Dan Beckerman, President and CEO, AEG
• Christine Driessen, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, ESPN
• Ed Snider, Chairman, Comcast-Spectacor, Philadelphia Flyers
• Joe Torre, Chief Baseball Officer, Major League Baseball, Office of the Commissioner

1. Watch the link The Business of Sport Panel Discussion Video
2. Summarize in your own words the major issues discussed by the panel.
3. What issue discussed was the most interesting to you? Explain why.

4. What issue discussed do you feel has the greatest impact on the future of the sports business? Explain your reasoning.

5. Describe what you learned from this panel discussion and how the information will benefit you in the future. Site specific examples for the discussion.

Paper must include:
• Cover page with your name, course name and assignment number
• 12 point type/double spaced
• Write out each question and then answer below
• There is a minimum 2 page requirement for this assignment
• Please answer using depth and detail to support your answers
• Points may be deducted for cover page, clarity, spelling, grammar and format
• Due in ulearn the end of day Sunday of week 4
link to video


Graded Element #1 – The Business of Sport Panel Discussion


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