Research Milestones Content

  1. This week, you will draft the methodology.

    You should include all the part of the the methods:

    • General Perspective
    • Research Questions
    • Research Methods
    • Instrumentation
    • Participants and Time Frame
    • Limitations
    • Expected Outcome
    • Sample Questions
    • Justification of Questions



### Research Methodology Draft: Social Anxiety Disorder in Young Adults

#### General Perspective

This study aims to investigate the impact of social anxiety disorder (SAD) on young adults’ academic and social functioning. By exploring the prevalence, severity, and associated factors of SAD among college students, this research seeks to contribute to understanding and addressing mental health challenges in educational settings.

#### Research Questions

1. What is the prevalence of social anxiety disorder among college students?
2. How does social anxiety affect academic performance and social interactions?
3. What are the perceived barriers to seeking mental health support among students with social anxiety?
4. What coping strategies do students with social anxiety disorder employ?

#### Research Methods

This study will employ a quantitative research approach to gather numerical data on the prevalence and impact of social anxiety disorder. A cross-sectional survey design will be used to collect data from a diverse sample of college students.

#### Instrumentation

The primary instrument for data collection will be a structured questionnaire developed based on validated scales such as the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) and the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS). The questionnaire will include items assessing demographic information, symptoms of social anxiety, academic performance indicators, and help-seeking behaviors.

#### Participants and Time Frame

Participants will be recruited from multiple colleges and universities across the region. The sample size will aim to include at least 500 college students aged 18-25 years. Data collection will occur over a period of six months, starting from September 2024 to February 2025.

#### Limitations

Limitations of this study include potential sampling biases, reliance on self-reported data, and the cross-sectional design which limits causal inference. Additionally, the study’s scope may not capture all dimensions of social anxiety disorder or account for cultural variations in symptom expression.

#### Expected Outcome

The study expects to identify the prevalence rate of social anxiety disorder among college students and provide insights into its impact on academic performance and social interactions. Findings will inform strategies for enhancing mental health support services and interventions tailored to the needs of students with SAD.

#### Sample Questions

1. How often do you experience fear or anxiety in social situations?
2. How has social anxiety affected your attendance and participation in classes?
3. What factors prevent you from seeking help for social anxiety symptoms?

#### Justification of Questions

Each question in the survey has been carefully selected to capture key aspects of social anxiety disorder relevant to the study objectives. Questions are based on established scales and aim to provide quantitative data that can be analyzed to address the research questions effectively.

This draft methodology outlines the key components necessary for conducting a study on social anxiety disorder among college students. Each section is designed to contribute to understanding the prevalence, impact, and coping mechanisms associated with SAD in educational settings.


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