(III) Prepare a scientific poster to illustrate the results of your study.

  • The poster should address the same topic as your manuscript
  • The graph and table representing your original data must be included
  • You can add further images/graphs/schemes from the literature (with

appropriate citation)

  • Use the information and instructions from exercise 9 to create your poster.
  • Remember: A poster is a graphical abstract of your study, not a paper in a larger


  • Submit the poster until 10th March 2024



Creating a scientific poster to illustrate the results of a study involves condensing the key findings and insights into a visually appealing format. Here are some steps to prepare an effective scientific poster:

  1. Title and Introduction: Begin with a clear and concise title that reflects the topic of your study. Follow this with a brief introduction that outlines the background and objectives of the research.
  2. Graph and Table: Include a graph and table representing the original data from your study. Choose the most relevant and impactful visualizations to showcase your results effectively. Ensure that the graph and table are labeled clearly and include appropriate units and legends.
  3. Results and Discussion: Use the main body of the poster to present the results of your study in detail. Highlight key findings, trends, and patterns observed in the data. Provide a brief discussion of the implications and significance of the results.
  4. Additional Images/Graphs/Schemes: Supplement your original data with additional images, graphs, or schemes from the literature. These can help provide context, support your findings, or illustrate relevant concepts. Make sure to cite the sources appropriately.
  5. Conclusion: Summarize the main findings and conclusions of your study. Emphasize the significance of the results and any implications for future research or practical applications.
  6. References: Include a list of references for any sources cited in the poster. Use a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) and provide sufficient information to allow viewers to locate the original sources.
  7. Visual Design: Pay attention to the layout, color scheme, and overall visual design of the poster. Use clear and legible fonts, avoid clutter, and maintain a logical flow of information. Incorporate visual elements such as graphs, charts, and images to enhance readability and engagement.
  8. Proofreading and Editing: Review the content of the poster carefully to ensure accuracy and clarity. Check for any errors in spelling, grammar, or formatting. It can also be helpful to have colleagues or mentors review the poster before finalizing it.

By following these guidelines, you can create a scientific poster that effectively communicates the results of your study and engages viewers at conferences, symposiums, or other academic events.


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