Benchmark – Literacy Beyond the Classroom

For this assignment, you will use the knowledge you have gained in this course to create a digital presentation describing five at-home activities for developing language, literacy, and communication skills that are appropriate for children described in the provided “1st grade Class Profile.”
Design a 10-15 slide digital presentation to show to parents that explains five at-home activities that can be used to develop language, literacy, and communication skills, based on the ELA standards, for their child. Your presentation should include a title slide, references slide, detailed speaker’s notes, and include the following:
Title and brief description of each activity. Each activity should be developmentally appropriate and engaging. Include two activities to develop reading skills, two for writing skills, and one for speaking skills. Include 1-2 adaptations for children who may be struggling in each area, as well as 1-2 adaptations for those who are above grade level, based on data from the “Class Profile.”
The activities should teach cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills such as critical thinking and problem solving.
A research-based explanation of how each activity will benefit the children, relating it back to the data provided in the “Class Profile.”

create a digital presentation describing five at-home activities for developing language, literacy, and communication skills that are appropriate for children described in the provided “1st grade Class Profile.”

Ways that each activity can be remediated for students with development delays, as well as how it can be enriched for gifted students, based on the needs of students outlined in the “Class Profile.”
A closing slide summarizing key points in your presentation.
Although you will be making instructional choices based on data from the “Class Profile,” remember not to call out individual children or use children’s names in this parent presentation.
Support your information with 3-5 scholarly resources.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite Technical Support Articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.
Program competencies and national standards assessed in the benchmark assignment:
COE 2.5: Use strategies to enhance language development and communication skills of individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.4; InTASC 2(e)]
COE 3.7: Use data to select, develop, and adapt learning experiences for individuals with exceptionalities that are reflective of their abilities, interests, and cultural, and linguistic factors. [CEC 5.1; InTASC 1(b), 7(b)]
COE 3.8: Use augmentative and alternative communication systems and a variety of assistive technologies to support the communication and learning of individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.3; InTASC 3(h), 8(h); ISTE 1d]
COE 3.10: Teach cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills such as critical thinking and problem solving to individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 5.7; InTASC 5(a), 7(h)]

create a digital presentation describing five at-home activities for developing language, literacy, and communication skills that are appropriate for children described in the provided “1st grade Class Profile.”

developing language, literacy, and communication



1st Grade Class Profile


Student Name English Language Learner Socio-economic


Ethnicity Gender IEP/504 Academic Level of Functioning for Reading Academic Level of Functioning for Writing Academic Level of functioning for Speaking Skills Level of Parental


Previous Educational Experience
Arturo Yes Low SES Hispanic Male No Grade level Grade level Grade level Med No Preschool or Kinder
Bertie No Low SES Asian Female No Grade level Grade level Grade level Low Yes Preschool and Kinder
Beryl No Mid SES White Female No Grade level Grade level Grade level Med Yes Preschool and Kinder
Brandie No Low SES White Female No Grade level Grade level Grade level Low No Preschool or Kinder
Dessie No Mid SES White Female No  

Grade level

Grade level Grade level Med Yes Preschool and Kinder
Diana Yes Low SES White Female No Grade level Grade level Grade level Low No Preschool or Kinder
Donnie No Mid SES African American Female No Grade level Grade level Grade level Med Yes Preschool and Kinder
Eduardo Yes Low SES Hispanic Male No Grade level Grade level Grade level Low No Preschool or Kinder
Emma No Mid SES White Female No Grade level Grade level Grade level Low Yes Preschool and Kinder
Enrique No Low SES Hispanic Male No Below grade level One year below grade level Grade level Low No Preschool or Kinder
Fatma Yes Low SES White Female No Below grade level One year below grade level Grade level Low Yes Preschool and Kinder
Frances No Mid SES White Female No Below grade level One year below grade level Grade level Med Yes Preschool and Kinder
Francesca No Low SES White Female No Below grade level One year below grade level Below grade level High No Preschool or Kinder
Fredrick No Low SES White Male Traumatic Brain Injury Below grade level One year below grade level Grade Level Very High No Preschool or Kinder
Ines No Low SES Hispanic Female ASD Below grade level One Year below grade level Mostly nonverbal and simple words and   phrases Low No Preschool or Kinder
Jade No Mid SES African American Female No Grade level Grade level Grade level High Yes Preschool and Kinder
Kent No High SES White Male Emotion-ally Disabled Grade level Grade level Grade level Med Yes Preschool and Kinder
Larry No Mid SES Native American/

Pacific Islander

Male No Below Grade Level One year below grade level Grade level Med Yes Preschool and Kinder
Martin No Mid SES Hispanic Male No Below grade level One year below grade level Some articulation errors Low Yes Preschool and Kinder
Mason No Low SES White Male No Below grade level


One year below grade level Grade level Med Yes Preschool and Kinder
Nick No Low SES White Male No Grade level Grade level Grade level Med No Preschool or Kinder
Noah No Low SES White Male No Below grade level One year below grade level Grade level Med Yes Preschool and Kinder
Charles No Mid SES White Male No Below grade level One year below grade level Grade level Med No Preschool or Kinder
Steve No Mid SES White Male No Grade level Grade level Grade level


Med Yes Preschool and Kinder
Stuart No Mid SES White Male No Below grade level One year below grade level Below grade level Med Yes Preschool and Kinder
Terrence No Mid SES White Male No Grade level Grade level Grade level Med Yes Preschool and Kinder
Wade No Mid SES White Male No Below grade level One year below grade level Grade level Med Yes Preschool and Kinder
Wayne No High SES White Male Intellectually Disabled Below grade level One year below grade level Mostly nonverbal High Yes Preschool and Kinder
Wendell No Mid SES African American Male Learning Disabled Slightly below grade level Grade level Grade level Med Yes Preschool and Kinder
Yung No Mid SES Asian Male No Below grade level One year below grade level Grade level Low Yes Preschool and Kinder









Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS), 6th ed. Fall scores and level of support at the beginning of first grade

Student Name Letter Name Fluency Nonsense Word Fluency- Correct Letter sounds Nonsense Word Fluency Word Recoded Correctly Word Use Fluency
Arturo 38/Core 3/Core 3/Core 27/Core
Bertie 40/Core 5/Core 5/Core 29/Core
Beryl 39/Core 6/Core 7/Core 32/Core
Brandie 37/Core 4/Core 4/Core 26/Core
Dessie 38/Core 5/Core 5/Core 25/Core
Diana 37/Core 6/Core 6/Core 28/Core
Donnie 40/Core 7/Core 7/Core 30/Core
Eduardo 35/Core 3/Core 3/Core 25/Core
Emma 36/Core 4/Core 5/Core 27/Core
Enrique 33/Strategic 19/Strategic 1/Strategic 14/Strategic
Fatma 34/Strategic 21/Strategic 1/Strategic 13/Intensive
Frances 33/Strategic 18/Intensive 0/Intensive 14/Strategic
Francesca 35/Strategic 21/Strategic 1/Strategic 15/Strategic
Fredrick 32/Strategic 20/Strategic 1/Strategic 16/Strategic
Ines 33/Strategic 15/Intensive 0/Intensive 1/Intensive
Jade 40/Core 28/Core 2/Core 29/Core
Kent 39/Core 27/Core 2/Core 29/Core
Larry 39/Core 19/Strategic 1.Strategic 14/Strategic
Martin 34/Strategic 20/Strategic 1/Strategic 17/Strategic
Mason 33/Strategic 22/Strategic 1/Strategic 18/Strategic
Nick 40/Core 4/Core 5/Core 30/Core
Noah 32/Strategic 20/Strategic 1/Strategic 15/Strategic
Charles 34/Strategic 19/Strategic 1Strategic 18.Strategic
Steve 38/Core 27/Core 2/Core 28/Core
Stuart 35/Strategic 20/Strategic 1/Strategic 14/Strategic
Terrence 40/Core 29/Core 2/Core 29/Core
Wade 32/Strategic 24/Strategic 2/Core 19/Strategic
Wayne 5/Intensive 2/Intensive 0/Intensive 3/Intensive
Wendell 30/Strategic 18/Intensive 1/Strategic 33/Strategic
Yung 32/Strategic 22/Strategic 1/Strategic 33/Strategic



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